Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Dr. Bodo Lippl (2022)


Dr. Bodo Lippl

phone: +49-345-55 23842

Franckesche Stiftungen
Haus 3, Raum 2.16
Franckeplatz 1
06110 Halle (Saale)

Nach Vereinbarung per Email

postal address:
Dr. Bodo Lippl
06099 Halle (Saale)

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Dr Bodo Lippl

Short Biography

Bodo Lippl studied Catholic theology (1989-1995, Lic. theol.) and sociology (1992-1997, Dipl.-Soz.) at Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. He attained his doctorate in sociology at Humboldt Universität Berlin (2003), where he was an academic staff member working in the area of empirical social research methods from 1997 to 2012. He has held positions as an interim professor at Leibniz University Hanover (2008-2010) and at Humboldt Universität Berlin (2013) and as a non-staff lecturer at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (2014-2016). He joined our Institute in 2016 as head of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods.

Research interests

  • Quantitative and qualitative methods in social research
  • Social inequality, social justice and societal structures
  • Education research
  • LGBT* research (with a particular interest in homophobia and hate crime)
  • Attractiveness, body image and beauty practices

Assignments and Responsibilities

  • Head of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods
  • Member of the Fakulty Council of the Phil. Fak. III (1.9.2016 - 31.1.2021)
  • Commissioner for evaluation of the Phil. Fak. III
  • Commissioner of the Department for the modules in social research methods
  • Module Administrator and Study Program Administrator of the Institute of Philosophy in MOS

Selected Publications

Research Projects


CV (in German)
CV Lippl.pdf (111.8 KB)  vom 30.07.2022

Overview of classes (in German)
MLU Lehre Lippl.pdf (189.9 KB)  vom 01.08.2022
