Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg


Patrick Leinhos

phone: 0345-5523855

Franckeplatz 1, Haus 3
06110 Halle


postal address:
Institut für Pädagogik
Franckeplatz 1, Haus 3
06009 Halle

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Patrick Leinhos M.A.

Main Fields of Research

  • qualitative methods of research
  • research on youth, adolescence and peer studies
  • research of voluntary work and participation
  • queertheoretical approaches


  • from 05/2021 – research associate at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Educational Sciences (Social and Cultural Dimensions of Education), Halle
  • 01/2018-05/2021 – Doctoral Research on a Scholarship by the Hans-Böckler-Foundation (Union related Academic Foundation). Topic: "'Queer' Activism in Adolescence. A qualitative study"
  • 04/2017-10/2017 – research associate in the DFG-research project: „Exclusive Educational Careers of Young People and the Role of Peer Cultures“ (project in the DFG-research group ‚Mechanisms of Elite Formation in the German Educational System‘; Head: Prof. Dr. Heinz-Hermann Krüger) at the Centre for School and Educational Research, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle
  • till 2017 – Studies of Educational Science (BA & MA), Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle


  • 03/2024: "Engagementbiographien im queeren Aktionismus". (Engagement Biographies in Queer Activism)
  • 03/2023: "Biographische Verzeitlichungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen im Kontext von Normen des Aufwachsens" (Biographical Temporalizations of Children and Adolescents in the Context of Norms of Growing Up) (with Susanne Siebholz)
  • 06/2022: "Geht's um Inhalte oder geht's um Personen. Diskrepanzen zwischen Erwartungen an junge Erwachsene in politischen Institutionen und ihren dargestellten Handlungen".  (Is it about Purport or is it about the People? Discrepancies between Expectations on Young Adults in Political Institutions an their depicted actions) (with Tina Helwig)
  • 07/2019: "Biographie - Queer - Dokumentarische Methode. Überlegungen zu einem theoretischen Zugang zu sozialen Differenzierungen". (Biography – Queer – Documentary Method. Thoughts on a Theoretical Approach to Social Distinctions)
  • 10/2018: "Duale Karrieren im relationaltypologischen Längsschnitt. Methodologische und empirische Rekonstruktionen". (Relational Typing Processes in a Longitudinal Study on Dual Careers. Methodological and Empirical Reconstructions)
  • 03/2018: "Relationale Typenbildung im Längsschnitt. Methodologische und forschungspraktische Überlegungen". (Relational Typing Formation in a Longitudinal Study. Thoughts on Methodology and Practicality in Research Processes)
  • 01/2018: "'Queeres' Engagement im Jugendalter. Eine qualitative Untersuchung". (‘Queer' Activism in Adolescence. A qualitative Study)
  • 11/2017: "'Queeres' Engagement im Jugendalter. Methodische und theoretische Aspekte". ('Queer' Activism in Adolescence. Methodical and Theoretical Approaches)

