Prof. Dr. Olk (englische Version)
Arbeitsbereich Sozialarbeit/Sozialpädagogik

Faculty of Philosophy - III
Department of Educational Sciences
Franckeplatz 1, H. 6
06099 Halle/Saale
phone: (++345) 5523800
FAX: (++345) 5527062
1991- Professor for Social Work and Social Policy Research Department of Education University of Halle
1989-1991 Postdoctoral Fellow and Assistent Research Scientist Center for Social Policy Research, University of Bremen, Department "Theory of the Welfare State"
1983-1989 Research Fellow at the University of Bielefeld, Department of Education, Subunit: Social Work
1981-1983 Research Fellow at the University of Oldenburg, Department 1 (Education), Subunit: Social Work
1998 Habilitation (Department of Education) University of Bielefeld
1985 Promotion (Department of Education), University of Bielefeld
1980 1980 Diploma in Education, Specialty: Social Pedagogy/Social Work
since 2001 Member of COST-ACTION A 19 "Childrens' Welfare", Member of the Management Committee, since 2002 Vice Chair of the anagement Committee
since 1994 Board-Member of the Section for "Social Policy Research" in the German Association of Sociology, 1995-2002 Chair of the Board
since 1985 Member of the Section for "Social Pedagogy" in the German Association of Education
since 2006 Member of the "Bundesjugendkuratorium" (Advisory Board on Youth Policy of the Federal Goverment )
since 2005 Member of the "Bündnis für Toleranz und Demokratie" (National Alliance for Tolerance and Democracy)
since 2003 Chairman of the "National Network on Civil Society"
since 1999 Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Foundation "Bürger für Bürger"
1999-2002 Expert-Member of the State-Commission of the German Parliament "Future of Civic Engagement"
since 1998 Member of the "State-Commission on Services for Children and Young Adults"
1993-1996 Member of the "State-Research-Commission on the Political and Social Change in Eastern Germany"
Professionalisation of Helping Professions
Third Sector Research (Welfare Mix Research)
Social Services for Children and the Elderly
Social Program and Policy Evaluation
Theory of Childhood
Childcentred Theory of the Welfare State
Member of the Editorial Board of "Neue Praxis" (New Practice)
Member of the Editorial Board of "Zeitschrift für Sozialreform" (Journal of Social Reform)
Member of the Editorial Board of Book Series "Sociology and Social Policy" ( VS Publications)
Member of the Editorial Board of Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung (Child and Youth Research)
Member of the Editorial Board of "Sozialwissenschaftliche Literatur Rundschau" (Social Science Review)