Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


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Invited Talks and Lectures

Hachmann, W. M. (2017). Language and the psychology of reading. TeachTalk at New York University Berlin, Germany. Invited by Prof. Dr. Bob Rehder.

Hachmann, W. M. (2017). Cognitive aspects of language and reading. TeachTalk at PhD school of Mind and Brain, Charité Berlin, Germany. Invited by Dr. Jonathan Nelson.

Hachmann, W. M. & Schroeder, S. (2016). Entwicklungsverläufe, Gedächtnis und Legasthenie: Zwei Studien über das Kurzzeitgedächtnis für Reihenfolge und das Erlernen einer neuen Orthographie [Developmental trajectories, memory, and dyslexia: Two studies on short-term memory for serial order and on lerning a new orthography]. Invited talk at the German Association for Dyslexia and Dyscalculia (Bundesverband Legas­thenie und Dyskalkulie e.V.), November 8th, 2016, Berlin, Germany.


Hachmann, W. M. (2015). Serial order, memory and dyslexia. Talk at the international workshop Reading in the Forest, October 26th 2015, Annweiler, Germany.

Hachmann, W. M. & Postiglione, F. (2015). Short-term memory for serial order information co-develops with reading skills in elementary school children. Talk at TeaP, March 11th 2015, Hildesheim, Germany.

Postiglione F., Hachmann W. M., & Job R. (2014). Indicatori precoci delle abilità di lettura e della dislessia. Workshop IPALD, November 8th, 2014, Rovereto, Italy.

Hachmann, W. M. (2014). Short-term memory for serial order relates to reading and developmental dyslexia. Research Colloqium at Department of Psychology, HU Berlin, April 2014, Germany.

Hachmann, W. M. (2014). Short-term memory functions in developmental dyslexia. Language Acquisition Colloquium Uni Potsdam, April 2014, Germany.

Hachmann, W. M. (2013). The case of the sequence: Serial order short-term memory and reading
in Italian school children - Theory, Findings and Ideas. Lab meeting at Haskins Laboratories, April 2013, New Haven, USA.

Postiglione F., Hachmann W. M., & Job R. (2012). Frequenza sillabica e apprendimento dell'ordine seriale [Syllable frequency and serial order learning]. Talk presented at the annual meeting of the Italian Psychology Association (AIP, Associazione Italiana di Psicologia), section of Experimental Psychology, September 2012, Chieti, Italy.

Hachmann, W. M. (2012). Short-term memory for order in developmental dyslexia. Talk at the workshop “PhD-Day”, May 2012, Rovereto, Italy.

Müller, D., Konieczny, L., & Hachmann, W. M. (2009). Semantic violations within local syntactic coherences affect reading: evidence for local and interactive anticipation. Talk at the workshop Representation & Processing of Language, November 2009, Freiburg, Germany.

Konieczny, L., Müller, D., Baumann, P., Hachmann, W. M., & Wolfer, S. A. (2009). Local syntactic coherence interpretation and how prosody modulates it. Talk at the 22nd Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Davis, USA.

Konieczny, L., Müller, D., Hachmann, W. M., Wolfer, S. A., & Schwarzkopf, S. (2007). Local coherence interpretation in spoken language comprehension. Talk at the European Conference on Eye-Movements (ECEM 07), Potsdam, Germany.

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