MA 120 Erziehungswissenschaft Flyer 2022.pdf (403.4 KB) vom 18.10.2023
MA 120 Erziehungswissenschaft Handreichung.pdf (296.1 KB) vom 17.10.2023
MA 120 Erziehungswissenschaft Studienverlaufsplan.pdf (96.9 KB) vom 05.04.2022
MA 120 Erziehungswissenschaft Modulhandbuch 10.2024.pdf (170.2 KB) vom 02.10.2024
MA 120 Erziehungswissenschaft Modulübersicht 2022.pdf (107.9 KB) vom 24.10.2022
MA 120 Erziehungswissenschaft Studien- und Prüfungsordnung 2022.pdf (119.1 KB) vom 05.04.2022
24 WiSe MA 120 Erziehungswissenschaft Vorlesungsverzeichnis.pdf (149.3 KB) vom 01.10.2024
Master of Arts in Educational Science (120 credits)
Introductory event for first-semester students of MA Educational Science 120 CP
Monday, October 7th, 2024 from 02:15 p.m. to 03:45 p.m. in the ECT Hall (House 7)
The four-semester Master of Arts in Educational Science offered in the Department has a value of 120 ECTS credits (CP) and commences with introductory modules totalling 40 CP which build and expand upon existing knowledge of fundamental issues in education and professional pedagogical activities and deliver advanced competencies in research methods in the field. The elective modules that follow, amounting to a total of 60 CP, enable students to gain broad-based knowledge in general educational studies and the specific settings of adult education, youth and community education/social pedagogy, and rehabilitation education.
We strongly encourage our Master’s-level students to make full use of the range of options available in the course and create an individual profile in accordance with their specific interests. Led by their chosen emphasis, students attain the capacity to reflect on the purposes and practice of leaders and managers in institutions with educational/pedagogical remits, or, alternatively, develop a comprehensive methodological and specialist research repertoire.
We hold seminars, revolving around reading and discussion, as fora for critical analysis of specific approaches for educational thinking and structures in education. A varied programme of lectures, colloquia, conferences and workshops promotes academic dialogue between students and academic staff and the sharing of ideas and experiences among current and future professionals. The skills with which our graduates leave us open doors to coordination and management careers in a range of settings involving pedagogical and educational input, or in educational research and development.
All relevant documents on the new Master´s study program MA 120 Educational Science (only available in German) are listed at the rigth side of this page.
Under the following link you will find the underlying study and examination regulations for the MA 120 Educational Science.
Student course guidance (Information on application and admission)
YouTube video about studying educational science at the University of Halle.